Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Name : Avatar Roku
Race : Human
Gender : Male
Age : About 60 years old
Hair : Black
Eyes : Black
Status : Fire Bender, Former Avatar, Dead

Avatar Roku was the Avatar before Aang, who was born to the Fire Nation. He was best friends with Fire Lord Sozin until the latter revealed his plans for conquest, and died underneath a landslide of an erupting volcano after Sozin left him for dead. Throughout the series, Avatar Roku appears as a spiritual advisor to help Aang fulfill his duties as the Avatar.

Avatar Roku was the avatar before Aang was, and is a Fire Bender. He died many years ago, being betrayed by Fire Lord Sozin, with whom he was best friends. He appears to help Aang through his quest to learn all the elements and give him information when it's needed. He tells Aang of the dangers and positives of the Avatar State; that while an Avatar is at his or her most powerful, they are also at their most vulnerable, and that if they die in the Avatar State the cycle of reincarnation will stop and another Avatar will never be born.

When Avatar Roku was living in Fire Nation, he was friends with Prince Sozin (who later became Fire Lord Sozin, the guy who stared war). On their birthday (Roku's 14th and Sozin's 15th, as they were both born on the same day just one year apart), Roku learned from Fire Sages that he was the avatar! On the day he left for his training, Sozin gave something that belongs only to a crowned prince.

When Roku came to the Air Nation to learn airbending, he meets a young Monk Gyatso. Later,
he went to learn Waterbending, and had a hard time learning Waterbending, though when he moved on to learn Earthbending, he found this to be fairly easy.

While he is a Fire Bender, his personality shows that not all Fire benders are cruel.

Prince Zuko is the great-grandson of Avatar Roku... as his mother is the granddaughter of Avatar Roku.


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